It’s that time again: Word War Wednesday. Today, set your timer for one hour and write as many words as you can during that time. Write your current project; write a new project; write a discarded project. Forget about spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Don’t worry about if what you write makes sense. Just get down as many words as you can, then post that number in the “Comments” section below before midnight tonight. Winner is the person with the most words and gets a shout-out from me about whatever pet project (cause, etc.) they want. here as well as on the group’s Facebook page. Oh, yeah, and you get bragging rights.
You’re on your honor here. The Word Police aren’t going to come and take you away if you cheat. The idea is to write for one continuous hour on one project. It’s intended to get the creativity juices flowing and possibly help get over a writing block. No judgement here. You’re not obligated to join in and you don’t have to do it every week. But I suggest giving it a try at least once. That’s what I’m going to be doing, so y’all going to have to listen to me about what I get done anyway. My goal is to do every week.
My count today: 1535