Writing fit, that is. Every Friday I posting a writing exercise, just something to get the creative juices flowing. If you feel it, share your results in the comments below. Or just talk about what you got out of this exercise. Post your comments by midnight the following Thursday. I’ll be sharing mine and I’d love to see yours.
Today’s exercise:
Outline the plot of one of your favorite movies. Could you use this plot, stripped of all identifying details, for your own writing. If not, can you think of a movie that would?
For the GMs
The same as above, but when you’re outlining, be aware of the encounters in the movie. Can you base an adventure on this movie, stripping out identifying details, of course? If not, can you at least use some of the encounters?
If anyone has other writing exercises they love, please email them to me at jade[at]rpggm[dot]com.