So through this last month of July, I’ve been working on a flash fiction story. My first flash fiction story; my first short story, in fact. I’ve never been much of a short story writer. The few writing classes I took in school taught me that. My stories are character-driven and short stories just don’t give me enough space to tell the characters’ stories. But several other people in my How To Think Sideways class decided to do a Blog Hop and, despite never actually having finished a short story in my life, I decided to join in.
Holly Lisle also has a free 3-lesson flash fiction course: How to Write Flash Fiction That Doesn’t Suck. So I decided to put Lucifer’s Godchild on hold and work my way through the flash fiction course, hoping I’d come up with a decent story. I got three. Two are prequels of a sort for Lucifer’s Godchild, one is completely unrelated and I have two more that aren’t finished yet. Not bad for someone with no talent for short fiction. I plan to eventually post all of them here on this blog, but I’m going to do the two LG-related stories first, to give you a taste of that story.
The story goes live on August 26th, 6:00 am, EST. This story itself isn’t speculative fiction, but the book it’s related to is, so I’m calling it good. My post will also have links to the story ahead of mine in the list and to the one after me. So if you’re feeling froggy, you can circle around read all seventeen or so stories participating (which I highly recommend), without having to wade through a long list of links. They’re all supposed to be speculative fiction and I can’t wait to read them myself. I’m particularly looking forward to Katharina Gerlach‘s story, since I’ve recently become quite a fan of her Gendarmerie Magique series.
So check in here 26 August 2015 for my fiction debut!